Destruction of the habitat 6410 (Borough of Wołczyn / Borough of Domaszowice)
26 03 2010

mala fotka


6410 - Molinia meadows on calcareous, peaty or clayey-silt-laden soils (Molinion caeruleae)
Protected plant species: Common moonwort Botrychium lunaria, Marsh Gentian Gentiana pneumonanthe, Southern adderstongue Ophioglossum vulgatum
opolskie voivodship, boroughs of Wołczyn and Domaszowice, ca. 300 m W from Duczów Mały,
Legal status
The damage falls into the category of environmental harm as defined by the Parliament Act on environmental damage and its prevention i.e. “Ustawy z dnia 13 kwietnia 2007 o szkodach w środowisku i ich zapobieganiu (Dz. U. Nr 75, Poz. 493)”
Damage extent
Ca. 2 ha of the meadows, the site near Duczów Mały is the richest of three sites in the Voivodship for B. lunaria, one of six sites for G. pneunomonthe and one of richer for O. vulgatum.
private farmer
Cicumsatnces of damage
About 2 ha plot of 6410 habitat located inside the well established complex of meadow habitats 6410 and 6510 has been ploughed for maize cultivation. The natural conditions along the small nameless stream are excellent for development and sustenance of these habitats and presence of the rare, threatened, protected species of plants (Botrychium lunaria, Gentiana pneumonanthe, Ophioglossum vulgatum). The occurrence of these plants was well documented.


Zaorane zmiennowilgotne łąki trzęślicowe
Zaorane zmiennowilgotne łąki trzęślicowe
Zaorane zmiennowilgotne łąki trzęślicowe
articles in this section: Interventions > notification > list
  1. 1 - 12
  2. 13 - 18
  1. Burning of the floristically rich dry grassland site in the Borough of Kamienna Góra.
  2. Destruction of the riverine forest 91F0 in the Natura 2000 site Łęgi nad Bystrzycą between Skałka and Małkowice
  3. Threat for birds and bats – inadequate (incorrect defective) EIA for 32 wind turbines in the Borough of Udanin
  4. Destruction of the habitat 6410 (Borough of Wołczyn / Borough of Domaszowice)
  5. Potential damage due to the regulation of the section of Włodzica river in Nowa Ruda
  6. Damage caused by ploughing of the meadows – habitat 6510, at the same time site with strtictly protected plant species - Globe-flower (Trollius europaeus) and Autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale)
Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism.
Co-financing: The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)
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